Saturday, June 1, 2019

Biblical Essay: Analysis of Pauls Letter To The Galatians

Biblical Es verbalize Analysis of Pauls Letter To The Galatians When Paul attended the Jerusalem Conference in 48 or 49, a decisionwas do that gentiles would be allowed to become Christians withoutbecoming Jews first (ie. have a circumcision, and follow the Jewish Laws).Paul, being the one that defended the gentiles right to be Christians,became the apostle to the gentiles. Why would Paul, a Jew, loss to be anapostle to gentiles? According to him, Jesus appe ared to him in AD 32 or36, and told him to prophesy the good news to the gentiles (Gal 116). Paul uses scripture to explain why gentiles should not be required tobe circumcised, or obey Jewish Law however, there are no direct quotes inscripture that say this. One would wonder why Paul, someone who grew-upin a good Jewish family, would not follow in the footsteps of JewishChristian Missionaries, and require Christian converts to become Jewsfirst. He certainly had to fight to have his belief accepted In myopinion, Paul tried to follow the example of the original apostles (whoknew Jesus) by converting the multitudes. I think Paul understood humannature better than the other apostles preaching circumcision to thegentiles. Perhaps he thought that gentiles would accept Christianity moreeasily if it was earthy to their lifestyle --Im sure that the thoughtof circumcision, and strict dietary laws scared gentiles fromChristianity It seems that the Judaziers preached a God that was hardto please. Pauls major problem confronted in his letter to the Galatians is thepreachings of the Judaziers. Apparently, men who preach circumcision andthe Law had been trying to pervert the Galatians, and change theirbelief... areais full of rules/laws for the Galatians to live by. Of course, hejustifies that Christians live by these laws because they Walk in theSpirit of Christ. (Gal 516) If Christians are to imitate Jesusactions & morals, then why should they decide to follow some, and notothers? This is more evidence of Peter trying to create a convenientreligion. The problem of word sense of Jewish Law, I believe, is the fundamentalsplit in Christianity. It can still be seen today Catholicism representsPauls view of Christianity, while Seventh Day Adventist Christians remainJewish Law. However, if Paul had preached the Law, I dont believe thatChristianity would even be present today (especially among the gentiles). He did much to advance Christianity however, Gentile Christianity becamea religion of Paul, quite an than a religion of Jesus.

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